Who really was Stan ‘The Man’ Lee? A biographer tries to find out

Who really was Stan ‘The Man’ Lee? A biographer tries to find out

True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee is billed as «The Definitive Biography» of the verdadero person who’s seen by many as the driving creative force behind Marvel Comics. Beyond the ‘Stan’s Soapbox’ editorials, the countless film cameos, and the face seen at comic conventions, this new book gets into the verdadero details of the man born Stanley Lieber; from the earliest days of his childhood to his painful final years…and of course, the birth of the Marvel Universe in between.

(Image credit: Crown)

True Believer has already earned both controversy and acclaim for its warts-and-all portrait of Lee. While not a Mommie Dearest-type hack job, it doesn’t shy away from how Lee built his own mythology, often at the expense of his collaborators; from the many failed attempts to break into areas of entertainment outside of comic books, to the scandal-filled problems of Stan Lee Media in later ’90s and early ’00s, to the disturbing reports from his final years of elder abuse and his complicated relationship with his daughter J.C. 

Juan Martín Espino

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